Went to Itoman area fish and farmer markets then walked along the ocean. Jan. 8, 2025. Okinawa.

2 months ago

0:40 Ichiman-gozen Minami-no-eki Shokudo (お食事処 南の駅食道)
0:58 Itoman fishing cooperative Fish Center (糸満漁業協同組合 お魚センター)
1:51 Farmers Market Itoman Umanchu Market (ファーマーズマーケットいとまん うまんちゅ市場)
3:38 Walked to the beach facing Nishizakicho (西崎町)
10:03 Started walking along the water at Toyosakitoshi Ryokuchi Park (豊崎都市緑地)
11:41 Crossed over to Toyosaki Seaside Park (豊崎海浜公園)
13:41 Pandanus (Screwpine) fruit
14:08 Aquarium.

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