The Financial System Will Change and Will Be Backed by Gold

1 month ago

01/07/2025 Michael Flynn, retired U.S. Army lieutenant general: The financial system is going to change, and it's going to be backed by precious metals like gold and silver, principally by gold. I think that's why we're seeing these countries like China and Russia hoarding so much of it. Because they know what's coming is a gold-backed global currency.
#FinancialSystem #DigitalCurrency #GlobalCurrency #GoldStandard #gold #China #Russia #Bitcoin
01/07/2025 美军退役将领迈克尔·弗林:金融系统将会发生改变,它将由黄金和白银等贵金属作为支撑,主要是黄金。我认为这就是为什么我们看到中共国和俄罗斯等国家囤积了如此多的黄金。因为他们知道以黄金为支撑的全球货币即将到来。
#金融系统 #数字货币 #全球货币 #金本位 #黄金 #中共 #俄罗斯 #比特币

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