Controlled Opp Psyop PRO PEDO DONALD TRUMP and PRO 'VIRUS' 'Stew Peters' in Plain Sight!

2 months ago

Original title: PSYOP Stew Peters Network Pedophile Child Rapist OPERATION AMBER ALERT!

Note: Yeah Controlled Opp Psyop PRO PEDO DONALD TRUMP and PRO 'VIRUS' 'Stew Peters' in Plain SIght!

Research this, have Stew Peters Network 'Team' ever made and shared a video who Expose PRO 'VIRUS' and Pedophile Trump who he really is?

And that No 'Virus' has EVER been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists?

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

"Those who tells the Stories, Rule Society!" Plato (423-348 BC)

Again - I know Nothing, but I have a Fucking clear opinion on what going on!

Do you still trust and believe Trump?

And Q and Q-anon?

I understand you want 'hope' but plz wake the Fuck up...

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!"

Thinks are 'connected' and There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

You want proof?

Then See and Research these and there are much more...

Yeah, Donald Trump is still a Controlled Opposition Psyop and a Pedophile!
Stew Peters Network
Streamed on:
Jan 7, 9:10 am EST

a documentary that will rage against the silence, "Operation Amber Alert" – an unyielding, aggressive indictment of a system that has sold its soul. This film will not just expose; it will scream the truth about America's descent into moral oblivion.

We will tear down the veil covering the sinister public-private partnership between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Mexican cartels, a union that has turned this nation into the human trafficking capital of the world. But the horror doesn't stop there. We'll also rip open the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) complicit public-private partnership with NGOs, transforming America into the child trafficking capital, where the sanctity of childhood is obliterated for profit.

These NGOs are now facing the wrath of the Department of Justice (DOJ) for their part in allowing the rape of migrant children within their own facilities – a betrayal of the highest order. With 323,000 children missing, lost in this nightmarish system, the culpability is clear, and the hands that fund this atrocity are stained with guilt.

Republicans, who continued to finance these child trafficking NGOs even after the rape of children was known, will be held accountable in this film. Their funding is not just an oversight; it's an endorsement of evil.

"Operation Amber Alert" will ensure that these atrocities are not just a footnote but a glaring, indelible stain on the soul of America. Historians will write volumes about this dark chapter, and we are here to make sure it's never forgotten. Prepare to confront the horror, to demand justice, and to never look away from the truth.

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