The year of reckoning and recompense (warzone)

2 months ago

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The year of reckoning and recompense [warzone]

6th of january 2025 03.03
Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

I, the Lord your God, will challenge you Baal! Who do you think you are?!

Come and try Me, says The Lord of Host! This is the year of Reckoning.

Who or what can challenge Me? Let Baal content! Let those who are boasting challenge Me.

Am I impressed by your weapons of war and the strength of your legs?!

Show Me how you created the Earth and the Heavens?

Don't you know that I Am laughing in The Heavenlies and nothing can take Me by surprise?

I will revenge My beloved, radiant and beautiful Bride.

I Am binding up the wounds and bruises of what the enemy has done to Her.

I will anoint Her with fragrance and perfume. A new crown will be placed on Her head.

As My beloved Bride I will make beauty for ashes, instead of mourning the oil of Joy will be flowing down from You.

In this hour I Am changing the guard. My Angel Armies are waiting for My signal.

There's a new sound that has been released on the Earth that has never been sounded before.

I will recompense for everything that you have lost. There will be a full restoration.

The best is yet to come just wait and see for suddenlies are coming and you shall not be able to count them.

I will revenge My beloved Bride and I will comfort Her in all Her ways, but I Am requiring full obedience and full submission.

[Trauma caused by the war]
Dan 4:35
Psalm 46:1
Jer. 51:20-22
Psalm 147:3
Psalm 2:4-6
Rev. 14:2

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