"You've Been Lied To About Cholesterol & LDL." Ben Azadi

2 months ago

Cholesterol Is Vital For Your Brain, Your Liver, Your Hormones.

More People Die From Heart Disease With Normal To Low Cholesterol Than High Cholesterol.

75% of Heart Attacks Occur In People With Normal To Low Cholesterol Levels.

We've been fed lies. A lie told often enough becomes the truth. Lipophobia is the fear of dietary fat based off of 50+ years of propaganda & misinformation.

You don't blame firefighters for the fire even though they are at the scene of the crime. Firefighters are there to put out the fire.

Atherosclerosis Is An Inflammatory Disease, Not A Cholesterol Disease or A Statin Deficiency.

LDL is an important transport molecule involved in the immune system & contains vital heart nutrients like CoQ10, Vitamin E & antioxidants.

A Fireman shows up to put out a fire.

He's not the cause of the fire.

Cholesterol shows up to put out the fire of Inflammation in the Arterial Wall. Cholesterol is there to repair the damage & clear the Artery.

Cholesterol is not the cause of the Inflammation that turns to Plaque.

Eliminate The Cause of The Inflammation To Heal The Damage.

These Cause Inflammation & Atherosclerosis:

Seed Oils
Processed Sugar
Insulin Resistance
Ultra Processed Foods
Environmental Toxins
Poor Sleep
Low Vitamin D Level
Low Magnesium Level
Low K2 Level
Lack of Exercise

Cholesterol is trying to clear the inflammation & put out the fire caused by other lifestyle issues in order to get the body to return to Homeostasis.

A low carbohydrate diet prioritizing nutrient dense animal foods, eliminating harmful seed oils & sugar, provides the best healthy cholesterol profile.

👇Low Cholesterol Causes More Death👇
👇The Higher Your LDL, The Longer You Live👇

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