Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Playthrough - 25 - Sweet sweet home Dargonus and bitter Bourecracy

2 months ago

In today video, we are visiting our home planet of dynasty, planet Dargonus.
In the visiting of it, we encounter Opticon-22 but we do not see his Old slow long walk cut scene as it was on the release of the game which was quite an iconic one.
We Deal with the Bourecracy and Inquisition Agent.
If you seek an achievement, you should do absolutely nothing while waiting in the line to get to your number.
Nothing says a fallen Empire as a bloated and slow bourecracy that is lawfull evil in all of it's acts.

Previous Video in the Series :
Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader - Playthrough - 24 - Nurgle planet wreck and Firebrand ship

First Video in the Series :
Rogue Trader - Iconoclast - 1 - Start of the Journey

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