REASONING POWER - PRACTICAL LOGIC - William Walker Atkinson (1922) - HQ Full Book

1 month ago

This book instructs you in the Art and Science of Practical Logical Thought. It teaches you how to think logically, effectively, certainly. It points out to you the ditches of Fallacy which lie on either side of the Path of Logical Thought, and it erects Danger Signs which serve to warn you to avoid falling into them. Its instruction rests upon the four pillars of Psychology, Practical Logic, Experience, and Common Sense. These four elements represent strength and balance, and supply the substantial foundation upon which true Logical Thought properly rests. The real office of Practical Logic is largely corrective and regulative. It points out and corrects fallacious reasoning on your part; it enables you to detect fallacious, sophistical, casuistical reasoning on the part of others; it exercises a direction over your habitual processes of thought, thereby inhibiting illogical forms of thought and supplanting them by true logical forms. This book supplies the cream of the subject of Practical Logic. If you follow its directions and instruction, and apply its methods, you will be able to "think straight" and with effect. It gives you the fundamental principles of Logical Analysis and Synthesis, of Logical Judgment, of Logical Analogy, of Logical Induction, of Logical Causation, of Logical Deduction. You must reason in some way; this book enables you to distinguish between good reasoning which leads to truth, and the bad reasoning which leads to error and misfortune.

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