FAITH POWER - YOUR INSPIRATIONAL FORCES - William Walker Atkinson (1922) - HQ Full Book(1)

1 month ago

The Power of Faith—the Force of Confident Expectation—the Energy of Expectant Attention. It explains fully and in detail the third element of "The Master Formula," i.e., Confident Expectation, or how to "confidently expect that you will obtain what you want." It explains the fundamental principles of the Psychology of Faith, and shows just how and why Faith succeeds in producing many wonderful results and effects in the lives of men and women. It divests the subject of the miraculous character usually ascribed to it; it brings it down (or up) to the plane of Natural Cause and Effect—yet it removes one set of wonders only to disclose a still greater Wonder. It shows not only that Faith removes Mountains of Difficulties from the path of man; but also that it serves to bring to man that which he needs, desires and confidently expects to come to him. It also shows how Faith (1. e., Confident Expectation and Firm Belief) in the coming of undesirable and dreaded things, conditions and circumstances, tends to make the feared (and believed in) things materialize in objective form. Faith is a spiritual power, a living force, which when trusted and rightly employed will annihilate the opposition of outward circumstances, or else convert and transmit them into helpful conditions. The ancient sages have said: "Faith is the White Magic of Power." Those who understand its nature, and its laws of application, have in their hands a wondrous weapon of strength, power and force.

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