Social Creatures with Selection Bias

1 month ago

This is never to say, don't dispute, this can without a doubt only be accepted by the eyes of those that truly feel it and believe in its potential, even under the influence of counter disputes
Approximately 1 in 3 U.S. adults ages 18 to 34 live in their parents' home, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. The pandemic caused more young adults to return home or remain living with their parents into their late 20s and 30s, but aside from that spike, the numbers have remained fairly consistent in recent years. Nov 17, 2024

As of July 1, 2023, there were 76.1 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 34, which is 22.7% of the total population.

In a remarkable display of unity and vision, one million women came together to build a self-sustaining society over a period of 15 years by consolidating their funds monthly. They each invested $100 a month each or $100 million a month to build a safer loving society led by them so they can buy land then build societies where they can live how they want with the people that they want to live with, each month they would have $100 million to work with buying the land would be the easiest part with $100 million they bought 1ks and 1ks of acres but how they wanted to live would determine how long it would take to finish the entire layout, each year putting in $1.2 Billion into the projecting that only cost each one of them $1,200 a year. Pooling their resources, they collaborated with visionary architects and dedicated construction companies to create a harmonious and efficient community. This society, named "Serenity Solis," featured state-of-the-art eco-friendly homes, renewable energy sources, and lush communal gardens that provided fresh produce year-round. Advanced water recycling systems and green infrastructure ensured minimal environmental impact, while shared spaces for education, healthcare, and social activities fostered a strong sense of community. Each women contributed not just financially but also through their diverse skills and talents, transforming Serenity Solis into a beacon of sustainability and empowerment, demonstrating the incredible potential of women's collective effort.

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