the only way to fight off disease: get injected w/ said disease

2 months ago

the world experiences this pain n suffering as well
looking at the world will make you exceedingly sad
diseases have always existed
i will never understand how people are so duped into trusting vaccines
sometimes i wish i was super boring like my parents n there was no clutter whatsoever
everything does piss me off
you're never in the clear, just keep praying
no matter how resilient you might be you are still affected by what society does
cats love getting into shit, it's what they do
yep it's definitely a trance! thing
it is kinda crazy that we have domesticated cats considering that they are 95% tiger
normies have kids, crazies have cats (i don't see the issue)
sophie is a couple years old, paisley is like eight
the more that i think about it the crazier it seems that we domesticate these animals
americans as a whole are very irresponsible
oh hey it's my jew calling me

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