When they tried to Britney spears me n drag me from my front door

16 days ago

Boot print from police officer who illegally stolen my tablet. I was filming them banging non stop at my door , then they started accusing me of needing to go to the hospital, insuated I had a "weapon" all sorts of accusations n kept telling me to go out to "talk" to them. I filmed all these officers standing around trying to trigger me into saying anything to use againest me, n than it dropped" aka something my hand released n i drop it... they than grabbed it from those bushes u see and I assume took it to their car to run something on it after asking for my password. (Which u know they don't need n I didn't give out) that wa illegal search right there.

Police harassed me some more grateful, me to come out.. i saw them leave so than when I went out to retrieve it they chased me down n threw me down on my porch. No arrest, but stole a week of my life with no probable cause. I said nothing until that day this after a year of abuse and break ins. Police refused to take reports when I only tried to report the stolen items. Took me about 6 months to see what was really happening.

I am a victum of electronic abuse to harass me out of my home n told to "get out of dodge"

I pray someone anyone can help me or anyone like me after experiencing their end goal... robbed and left for dead I understand so much. They u knowingly started a war in heaven and earth coming againest a born again Christian. God saved my life I was a test for many who failed.

If u can help please do, if not please pray for me and anyone like me. Holy ghost fire againest any person or wea pon formed againest me. I trust God to take them out. I saw the plots and subplots miles away. I am not alone, u if you've been "chosen" are not alone. Seek real world e identity to bring they down as they play narcissistic games of "I'm not touching you" many so many know what they are doing and how they r trying to make people unalive themselves. I have never n will never have this thought. I saw the set up a mile away. May they all fall by their own sword in Jesus name n those who witness speak the truth.

The abuse must stop.

If they do this to you don't react its a narcissist attack to try n catch your reaction n use that as an excuse for whatever plot they've cooked up.

I appreciate anyone in a position to help or pray.

I like so many tried the usual channels, no the church isn't helping the gov isn't helping n my family is gone. I've waited a long time in silence without seeking help, just praying.

I pray any donation is given back 1000 fold. I just want the normal human basics in life, they robbed this from me. They are mad im just a living breathing human being.

BTW when I got set free w no probable cause to hold me no apology... I found, my tablet inside broken but found also they wiped the filming of them my door. The next day they came banging at my door again.

What else was on my tablet just history of videos about the Bible.

But you know they did it to Jesus. They'll do it to u, accuse u mock u call u crazy... the devil just got new people n new toys to play with.

Thank you for reading. Never stop praying. You have power in the spirit realm to wipe them out.


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