The Power of Change and Determination

2 months ago

it comes a time in every individual's life When they have to change their mindset
change their work ethic
I realized the only way that I can make it in this life
work while they play
Grind while they complain
I work out twice before everyone wakes up
the fella's will is stronger than the man who's actually better physically
the determination weakens the other man just to see him so determined
When I get to a point where I feel I can improve as a player
I walk away from the game
What you do now and what you decide now at this age may well determine
Which way your life shall go
life's a journey
Get up before the sun
I've learned a thing or two about making a commitment to myself
The early bird catches the worm
It's about getting ahead of the game
Being one step ahead of your own doubts and fears
to make a change in life you gotta start with you
You gotta start today
Start getting up at for you
And prove them haters wrong
It's quiet The world hasn't woken up yet and that's your time
Ain't no distractions no noise just you you and your thoughts
It's the perfect time To set goals make plans and remind yourself of what you're fighting for

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