Is our food TOXIC?

1 month ago

Lets dive into this one. Everyone sees the grocery shelves and all the happy little kids on the labels with all the safe words like "natural" or "healthy" or "artificial flavoring" or my favorite, the seemingly harmless "red dye 40" and they think its perfectly fine. I mean after all, the FDA has strict tests they run, there is people in white lab coats watching the food go from the farm or the field, through the factory on down the conveyor, and making sure that every step of the way its A O K. Right?

Well, even if that pipe dream was true, the additives in the foods like preservatives or the sprays to keep the food safe like pesticide or herbicides, and not to mention the coloring and flavoring added to make it just right actually make it all wrong.

Then once you make it past the actual food products themselves, you have the containers, the plastic linings of the cans, and all the solvents, cleaners, and industrial ingredients needed in that aspect of the products.

But then, we cannot forget the water in the drinks, or used in the packaging plants. Most of these plants are in large cities close to railroads or airports to quickly get this "fresh" food so they can hurry up and package it to keep all that freshness! All the water they use is processed by the water treatment plants and I promise you, that water was drank once before and likely peed out by someone else to be cleaned and then used to package that tasty soda pop.

This video has a ton of screenshots from Google and GROK. They want us to believe AI will never lie.... and AI is so smart as it has instant access to all the information. I love using this information to get my information because so many people say ignorantly "just google it" not realizing that its manipulated too. Don't believe me? Try googling something controversial and it will steer you in the opposite direction. At the end of the day though, when you ask simple questions like this video does, "is food toxic," it cant lie and say all food is safe because it knows most foods have chemicals in them and those chemicals are not safe.

So let me step by step guide you down this rabbit hole. Use that big beautiful brain God gave you and please look some of these up for your family's sake.

I recommend the following safeguards:
Check labels for "bio engineered" food ingredients.
Avoid artificial anything. Natural is better.
If you cannot pronounce it, avoid it.
Limit sugar, corn syrup, high fructose, as well as artificial sweeteners, those are chemicals too! I left this one out of the video for times sake.
Palm oils are one I left out too that are super damaging, like canola oils or seed oils.
Fragrance, its used in perfume, its usually made from petroleum, and it should NOT be in food.
Ancient grains or sourdough are the way to go for breads.
Find an Amish farmer or someone you can farm-share and get raw milk. You can make your own cheeses and butters too!
Can when you can, it will save money.
Buy in Bulk when its on sale or in season. Don't go buy apples when they are out of season, they freeze them to sell them out of season. You can get bushels of apples in season for next to nothing and can up a ton of apple sauce or apple slices.

God bless you and feel free to follow us on X! Like this video, subscribe to our channel, and follow us on X.

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