Mark Zuckerberg SUDDENLY Pretending He Gives A Damn About 'Free Speech'

2 months ago

Posted • January 7, 2025: Would you look at that? Elon Musk buys Twitter promising free speech, individuals become 'the media', Trump wins the election, and now Mark Zuckerberg suddenly gives a damn about free speech. After spending years fact-checking those on the right into basically ZERO reach on his platform, he wants us to believe he actually cares about all voices being 'heard' on Meta. Pardon us if we're not exactly jumping for joy or buying into this schtick even a little bit. Is he joining the 'tech right' because he has seen the error of his ways spending years and years (decades?) censoring the right and right-leaning media OR is he just trying to keep his site from becoming the place where old people complain about their neighbors, share recipes, and post pics of their animals? Again, this just feels like too little too late and a convenient effort after Trump won the election, especially knowing the part Zuckerberg played in the 2020 election. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Mark Zuckerberg SUDDENLY Pretending He Gives a Damn About 'Free Speech' Does NOT Go Well

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