151 | Empowerment: Deletion, Distortion, Generalization, Oh My | The Empowered Catholic Podcast

1 month ago

Your brain is sitting inside a closet (your skull) and has zero idea what’s going on around it, except that it has your bodily senses feeding it signals. Those signals, like photons and vibrations in the air, mean almost nothing to the brain EXCEPT that your brain has past experience about what those mean. Everything you experience, everything you know, all that you think - these are all reconstructions of reality. These are guesses that your amazing brain is making about “what is” based on your senses and, especially, on your past experiences. There’s SO MUCH information hitting your brain every second that it has to ignore most of it and guess about the rest. That’s great but it means that we make a lot of assumptions about “what is.” With some skill, you can start to sort through your thoughts and emotions anc pick up on interpretations that are not necessarily accurate and are not helpful. Creating that skill is a big part of the empowered life.

Lisa Feldman Barrett podcast interview by Dr. Andrew Huberman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeRgqJVALMQ
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