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Declaring Your Destiny - Money and the Great Day - A Message from God - Nov 22 & 24-2024 - captions
In this episode of Declaring Your Destiny, Carolyn Dennis shares a profound message received from God focusing on 'Money and the Great Day.' The session opens with a prayer thanking God for the Thanksgiving season and blessings for the viewers. Carolyn also discusses a gift she received from a viewer and shares some personal Thanksgiving plans. She conveys a message from Colossians 2:6-7, emphasizing walking in faith with thanksgiving. The central message highlights the importance of vigilance in prayers, staying close to God, and trusting His timing, especially regarding the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and financial matters. Carolyn notes that this period is a time of waiting and preparation for believers, stressing the need to focus on Jesus and kingdom missions rather than money. The episode concludes with taking communion, some community updates, and announcements about upcoming events.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Declaring Your Destiny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video, posted on: 11-25-2024 may be watched here: 👉
Declaring Your Destiny: Money and The Great Day, A Divine Message
In this episode of Declaring Your Destiny, Carolyn Dennis shares a powerful message from God received on November 22nd and 24th. Dubbed 'Money and The Great Day,' the message emphasizes vigilance, prayer, and preparing for the future without fear or worry. The episode also includes a word of prayer, a reading from Colossians 2:6-7, communion, and announcements about upcoming events and guests. Join Carolyn as she unpacks divine guidance on remaining strong in faith and aligning one's heart for God's kingdom.
00:00 Welcome and Introduction
00:33 Opening Prayer and Thanksgiving
01:05 Appreciation for Donna's Gift
01:59 Scripture Reading and Communion Announcement
04:12 Message from God: Money and the Great Day
09:24 Key Points Recap
16:21 Declaration of Gratitude
17:19 Communion Ceremony
20:38 Announcements and Closing Remarks
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Carolyn & Audra
Declaring Your Destiny
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Audra attends Cross Assembly, Raleigh, NC
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Video Transcript:
Well, welcome everyone. I'm Carolyn Dennis and this is Declaring Your Destiny and this is where miracle signs and wonders happen and we're believing for that and expecting it in Jesus name. So, I have a wonderful word from you for you a message from God that I received on November 22nd and twenty-fourth and it's called money and the great day. So, I want to share that with you in just a moment. Let's open with a word of prayer. Thank you Father for a beautiful day and thank you Father for this Thanksgiving season. And we just ask that you bless all of our viewers, our subscribers that Father you just enhance their life and you answer their prayers and we're just believing that you are moving now. And Father we ask that you bless the United States of America and all of the countries that are watching in Jesus name. Amen. So I want to tag you about this beautiful shawl that I have on today. Donna sent this to me and Donna, it is so beautiful. I just love it and it's so seasonal that I was thinking I have a Christmas event I'm going to go to and I'm going to figure out my outfit around the shawl. I just love it. Thank you Donna and I pinned it with a pen that my parents gave me a long time ago and I thought the gold look good with the beautiful green and Donna also sent me a lovely pair of earrings and I'm going to show those off later this week. So Donna, I just can't thank you enough from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me that you thought about me and they also match my background. It does Shaw does. So, thank you again. Okay, I've got some scripture for you that I would like to share. Oh and let me tell you, we're going to take communion this morning. Um it's morning here as you can see from the clock and I've got my elements right here so you may want to grab those and I'm excited. We took communion at my church yesterday and I'm like, oh, we gotta start taking communion again every day. I'm thinking about that. So, I'll let you know. Okay, so let me get to this to the scripture that I have for you and it's from the book of Colossians chapter two verses six and seven and as you therefore, have received Christ Jesus. So, walk in him rooted and Built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in it with Thanksgiving. So we've received Christ Jesus so walk in him. Walk in who Jesus is and be like Jesus. And walk in faith as you've been taught. Abounding with Thanksgiving. Cuz I was thinking about it's thank Thanksgiving this week and I'm going to be going to me and my family are going to my husband's sister's house in Fayetteville and I am in charge of the broccoli casserole and some bread for in case people want to make biscuits so that sounds really good. There's going to be so much food there and people it's going to be a great day. So Audrey and I are talking about taking Thursday off so we may not have a show up up for you on Thursday. Okay, but that depends on the father too because if he gives me a word, I will do my best to get it put out. I always depend on him and like a lot of things, sometimes he gives it to me at the last minute but he always comes through. He is a good good father. Okay, let's get to the message from God. It's called Money and the Great Day, and I received this on November 22nd and 24th 2024. My bright and morning stars shall rule and reign forevermore. He is my son, the rock of all ages. He will never leave you nor forsake you and he lay down his life that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Stay close to me now as the days are getting shorter to The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. I Am warning the bride of my dear Son to not let your lamps go out nor fall asleep on the watch. Be vigilant in your prayers and while you wait. The election, the inauguration and My Great Day are all tied together. But you must just wait and see. I told you what will happen and it is quite obvious but you are blinded by the way man would do it. I Am the great I Am and there is no one like me. I can change the times and I can change the seasons and and I change the seasons. There is no one like me and there never will be. Trust Me that you have no need to fret, worry, or to be in fear. I want you on your watch and at your post. You must know you know your spot and for my prayer warriors, do not let up. You are on a stealth mission and you will be greatly rewarded. Now stand firm. Take some time each day to pray to me. Tell me your dreams and your desires and your wants and your needs. Praise my son as you praise you open the heavens and my glory shall fill the earth. You are in a waiting time like standing in a line. You can Choose to get upset, fret, and worry. Be impatient or be at peace. The great shaking is coming and I warn you because I love you but I tell you again to fear not. You ask my prophet about the money. Fear not whether the money will do this or that. I Am the great I Am and all that I have told you will come to pass. My gold and my silver will do the best and it will happen. You are still in the holding pattern and it is the time to wait and fix your thoughts on other things. So make your investments. Buy your currencies and put them away. Don't look at them or count them. That is for another day in the future very soon. Just fix your thoughts on my son and your mission for his kingdom. Assess your heart. Are you kingdom minded for yourself or for my son? Be like my girl Audra and be kingdom minded for my dear son Yeshua. There are people around you who need you to tell them about Yeshua. And you are the one they will hear and make an impact on their life. Now go frolic and play. Enjoy this day. Catch my glorious sunset if you can admire my stars and smell my flowers all created for specific purpose and for you to enjoy I love you always Abba Father let me fix this it fell I wanted to fix it okay there we go that is much better it is so pretty I really love it okay alright let's go over the key points of this message really quick. I know we're all busy. So the father started the message talking about Jesus and he called him his bright and morning star and that he shall rule and reign forevermore. That he is the father's son, the rock of all ages. That he will never leave us nor forsake us and he laid down his life that we will have life and have it more abundantly. And Jesus told us that. And the Father said stay close to him now as the days are getting shorter to The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and he said I'm warning the bride of my dear son so that we will not let our lamps go out or fall asleep while we're on the watch. He asked us to be vigilant in our prayers and while we wait. And he said the great and terrible day, the election, and the inauguration are all tied together. But we just must wait and see. Now he did not say that it's going to happen on the inauguration. So don't say I said that because I didn't. He has not told me when The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord will be. He said he's told us what will happen and it's quite obvious but we are blinded by the way man would do it. And of course the Father's ways are not our ways. He said I Am the great I Am and there's no one like me. That he changes that he can change the times and he changes the seasons. And he said just trust Him and we don't have any reason to fret, worry, or be in fear. And that he wants on our watch and at our post and he said, you know what your spot is and for the prayer warriors and you know who you are and I Am an intercessor so I'm in that in that group as well. He said, don't let up that we are on a stealth mission and we will be greatly rewarded. He said, so stand firm then he said, take some time each day to pray to him and tell him what your dreams, your desires, your needs, and your wants are and that as you praise Jesus, you open the heavens and his glory shall fill the earth. I feel like I skipped that that paragraph so let me read it to you. I'm sorry if I did. Take some time each day to pray to me. Tell me your Dreams, your desires, your needs, and your wants. Praise my son and as you praise, you open the heavens and my glory shall fill the earth. So what he's telling us here is pray every day, talk to the father about what you need, what you're dreaming about, what you desire, what you want, and then praise Jesus and as you pray Jesus, it will open the heavens and God's glory shall fill the earth. So, y'all be praying. Y'all be praying. We want the glory to fill the earth. I'm sorry if I missed that. He said, we are in a waiting time like standing in a line and we can choose, you know how it is when you're standing in the line at Walmart or the grocery store. Now, you can get upset and you can fret and you can fuss and you can worry, you can be impatient or you can choose to be at peace. He said, the great shaking is coming and he's warning us because he loves us but he tells us to fear not and then he said, you ask my prophet about the money and I get an Email almost every day about the money and I'm going to tell you, I don't I tell you what he tells me and that's all I'm going to tell you. I'm not going to guess about the money. I'm not going to tell you where to find the money. That is your job I just, my job is just to tell you what the father tells me. He said, fear not whether the money's going to do this or that, that he's the great I Am and he's told you what's going to happen with the money. He said his gold and silver will do the best and it will happen. That we're still in the holding pattern and it is time to wait and to fix your thoughts on other things. Get your thoughts off the money is what he's telling you. He said, Make your investments. Buy your currencies and put them all away and don't go look at them or be sitting around counting them. That's for another day in the future very soon. And then he said fix your thoughts on my son and your mission for his kingdom. He said assess your heart. Are you kingdom minded for your or are you doing things for yourself? So are you like doing a job at church because you want everybody to like you and you look good because you can put this on your resume everybody knows about it or are you doing it for Jesus? He said, be like my girl Audra and Audra is very kingdom minded. So, be like Audra but more than that, be like Jesus. He said, there's people around you who need you to tell them about Yeshua and you are the one that they will hear and there's only certain people that will listen to you but they need to hear from you and make an impact in their life. And then the Father gives us such a sweet message. He said go frolic and play and enjoy this day and catch my glorious sunset if you can. Admire my stars and smell my flowers and all were created for a specific purpose and for you to enjoy. Whoo. I love that. I love you always Abba Father. That is such a good message. So, because it's Thanksgiving week, I thought we should declare gratitude. So, I looked at second Thessalonians chapter one verse three. We ought always to thank God for you brothers and sisters and rightly so because your faith is growing more and more and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. So, declare with me My faith is growing more and more. I thank God for everything I have. My love for one another is increasing. We're going to have a great Thanksgiving in Jesus name. Okay, I would like for us to move on to communion and I have my elements right here and you can take communion if you are a believer in Jesus Christ and communion is the meal that heals. So if you have anything in your heart that maybe you're angry with somebody or just if something's happened and you need to spend some time with the Father, please say a prayer of repentance if you need to do that. Just pause your video. The Father loves you and he is so merciful. Okay, so I'm going to bless the communion elements and then I'm going to say my scripture which I always paraphrase the scripture and then we'll take our communion. Father in heaven, I ask that you bless our communion meals, the meal that heals because Jesus paid the price for everything in our life including our mental health, our spiritual health, our financial health, our family health, our physical health, and health in every area of our life and father, we just thank you that you are answering our prayers and we we see it and I ask that you do it exponentially very very quickly now in Jesus name amen okay and as they were eating Jesus took bread and he blessed and he broke it and he gave it to them and said take eat this is my body then he took the cup and when he had given thanks he said assuredly I say unto you I shall no or drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of God and when they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives. The body of Christ. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving your precious body for taking care of everything that needed to be taken care of. And we just honor and praise you Lord Jesus our king. Amen. The blood of Christ thank you lord Jesus that you shed your precious blood seven places the perfect the perfect number the perfect sanctification and redemption for us you are our beautiful perfect savior and we just give you the honor and the glory in Jesus name amen Okay. So, I have a few announcements. Um we have our powerful prayer warrior team. You can send them a message directly through our website declaring your destiny. com and we hope you'll check out our website. We have a few journals in there in case you need a quick Christmas gift. Um you can find out about me and Autra and what we believe. It's right there. We have our spiritual authority running. Um you can look in the past few Sundays. I have posted those where Audra and I are teaching on spiritual authority. Please check that out. It is very important that we all understand our spiritual authority in these days. We have a special guest coming this week. You do not want to miss. Friday, I had the opportunity to meet Ash West. He is a prophetic dreamer and you may have seen him on Diana Lorkin or His Glory and he's going to be here this week and I can't wait. Alter Knob will have him in the studio on Tuesday tomorrow. So, we're very excited and Ash, we can't wait to get to meet be with you in the studio and for just to hear what God's putting on your heart to bring to Declaring Your Destiny. Thank you so much. We have our sister channel, The Daily Ten where we post Monday through Friday Bible teaching and you can get your daily dose of scripture in less than 10 minutes. I did miss Friday and I am so sorry. Friday was a day. Even though I got to meet Ash and some other friends, a bunch of other stuff happened. My son was in an automobile accident and everything's fine. Now it's inconvenience and a hassle. But the enemy has been attacking us. So I believe in the name of Jesus. That is the last attack. So I think it's because of the powerful prayer warrior team we started in the spiritual authority series that the enemies just he thinks he's going to mess us up and I got news for that forever loser. We're going to keep on. We're going to keep on. We're going to pray. We're going to tell the truth and we're going to talk about the authority that Jesus gave us. So, I hope you have the best day. Remember, I love you. Jesus loves you. God loves you. God bless America and I'll see you hopefully tomorrow. Shalom.
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