Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti | Appendix 5 | Stargates, Portals & Invader Details | Part 25

1 month ago

Dive deep into the intricate Appendix 5 of Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti, exploring the advanced mechanics of Star Gates, Time Portals, and the Dimensional Lock Systems. Gain insight into the Planetary Star Gate Coordinates, the Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening (2000-2012), and Earth's D-12 Pre-matter Christos Blueprint.

This appendix also covers:

Detailed DNA mechanics, such as the 12-Strand DNA Template, Vector Codes, and Seals.
The progression of intruder systems, including Drakonian, Zeta, and Anunnaki Races.
Charts summarizing APIN Systems, Templar Conquests, and Sonic Pulse Events.
Learn about key Guardian Systems, such as the Golden Eagle, Great White Lion, and Four Faces of Man, alongside the Angelic Human 12-Tribes and Indigo Magi Grail Lines.

This comprehensive appendix unveils the interplay between Stellar Activations, Intruder ET Agendas, and the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission.

00:00 Star Gates and the Time Portal and Dimensional Lock Systems
07:30 The Halls of Amenti Star Gate System
10:04 Universal, Galactic, Planetary, and Inner Earth (Cue Sites) Star Gates
15:53 Planetary Star Gate Locations and Coordinates
19:54 Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Scheduled 2000-2012
44:27 Earth's D-12 Pre-matter Christos Divine Blueprint Planetary Christos Realignment Mission
48:51 Planetary Seal Release Schedule 2001-2003
57:43 12-Strand DNA Template, Vector Codes and Seals
1:04:31 The REAL Christ Crucifixion, Checkerboard Mutation, Jehovian Death Seals, and Axi-A-Tonal Lines
1:11:52 Christos-Trion-Meajhe Fields, Veca Codes, and Universal Life Force Currents
1:18:05 Progression of Intruder APIN Templar Conquest - Atlantis to 2001 Summary Chart
1:44:50 Sonic Pulse "Un-Natural Disasters" 1935-1992 Summary Chart
1:53:29 WTC/Pentagon Disaster 911 Infrasound Sub-Space Sonic Pulse Projection Map
1:59:15 24 Nibiruian Crystal Template (NCT) Bases
2:06:19 24 United Intruder Resistance Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases (Underground or Underwater Illuminati Main Templar Control Bases)
2:12:06 The Guardian Four Faces of Man/Guardians of the 12 Pillars LPIN System Guardian Eieyani Indigos, Maharajhi, Azurites and Elohei-Elohim 22,500BC - 22,326BC
2:16:50 The Guardian Great White Lion APIN System
2:19:37 The Guardian Golden Eagle APIN System
2:21:14 UIR Intruder APIN Systems Drakonian APINs, The Falcon and The Dragon APIN Systems
2:23:54 Intruder Anunnaki APINs Dove and the Olive Branch APIN, The Serpent APIN, and the Phoenix APIN
2:27:43 Angelic Human 12-Tribes and Indigo Magi Grail Lines Summary Chart
*Detailed Intruder ET Races Summary*
2:36:05 Intruder ET and Illuminati Races of the 2001 UIR One World Order Team Summary Chart Introduction
2:42:22 Intruder Necromiton-Andromie
2:45:49 Intruder Centaur-Luciferians and Blue Centaurs
*Zeta Intruder Races*
2:47:25 Rigelians/Zeta-Reticuli Zephilum
*Drakonian and Reptilians Intruder Races*
2:51:23 Omicron-Drakonian
2:54:26 Dracos
2:56:33 Odedicron-Reptilians
*Anunnaki Intruder Races*
2:58:54 Marduke-Luciferian Anunnaki
3:01:21 Marduke-Dramin/Satain-Anunnaki
3:03:55 Enlil-Odedicron-Anunnaki
3:06:57 Jehovian Anunnaki
3:13:03 Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki
3:16:00 Thoth-Enki-Zephelium-Anunnaki
3:21:41 Outro

#StarGates #TimePortals #DimensionalLockSystems #HallsOfAmenti #UniversalStarGates #GalacticStarGates #PlanetaryStarGates #InnerEarthStarGates #CueSites #PlanetaryCoordinates #CrisisIntervention #AmentiOpening #Amenti2000to2012 #EarthsD12Blueprint #ChristosBlueprint #PlanetaryChristosMission #SealReleaseSchedule #DNAActivation #12StrandDNA #VectorCodes #CrystalSeals #ChristCrucifixion #CheckerboardMutation #JehovianDeathSeals #AxiATonalLines #ChristosFields #TrionMeajheFields #VecaCodes #UniversalLifeForce #APINSystems #TemplarConquest #AtlantisTo2001 #SonicPulseDisasters #UnnaturalDisasters #911SonicPulse #NibiruianCrystalTemplates #NibiruianControlBases #GuardianSystems #FourFacesOfMan #12Pillars #GuardianIndigos #Maharajhi #Azurites #EloheiElohim #GreatWhiteLionSystem #GoldenEagleSystem #IntruderAPINSystems #DrakonianAPIN #FalconSystem #DragonSystem #AnunnakiAPINs #DoveAPIN #OliveBranchAPIN #SerpentAPIN #PhoenixAPIN #AngelicHuman12Tribes #IndigoMagiLines #IntruderETRaces #IlluminatiRaces #OneWorldOrder #NecromitonAndromie #CentaurLuciferians #BlueCentaurs #Rigelians #ZetaReticuli #Zephilum #DrakonianIntruders #OmicronDrakonian #Dracos #OdedicronReptilians #MardukeLuciferians #DraminSatainAnunnaki #EnlilOdedicron #JehovianAnunnaki #PleiadianSamjase #LuciferianAnunnaki #ThothEnki #ZepheliumAnunnaki

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