Testing Sony Burano

2 months ago

Burano vs FX9 vs Arri Amira for common interviews and documentary style coverage.

Available for bookings regionally in Texas and throughout the US. Competitive rates. www.WintersMediaGroup.com David Winters | Director of Photography | San Antonio, Texas

00:00 Intro
01:31 Grip and Buttons
03:12 Shoulder setup
03:37 Amira vs FX vs Burano
04:39 FX9 vs FF SLOG w S709 LUT
05:41 Burano vs Amira
09:54 Batteries
10:25 HDMI Out
10:45 FX9 vs Burano
12:09 Sam the DP
12:51 Shooting handheld IBIS
13:40 EVF confusion
14:34 PL zoom balance
16:47 PL Prime handheld
17:39 Live TV color settings
20:33 No Skin Detail
21:01 MPEG request
22:19 Boot time
23:03 Cinetone FF vs S35 limitations
24:40 High + ISO 10,000
26:34 Size comparison
27:08 EVF bracket
29:47 Buy a Burano?

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