Prayer Deuteronomy 31:6-8 ENG Chinese Pinyin

1 month ago

NOTES ENG Chinese Pinyin
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for watching over me every day.
Qīn'ài de Tiānfù, gǎnxiè nǐ měitiān doū kàngù wǒ.
亲爱的天父, 感谢你每天都看顾我.

Dear Heavenly Father / Father God
Qīn'ài de Tiānfù
qīn 亲 (noun) parent, relative
ài 爱 love
qīn'ài 亲爱 (adj) dear, beloved
de 的 [used after a pronoun, used after an adjective]
tiān 天 day, sky, heaven
fù 父 father
Tiānfù 天父 Heavenly Father, Father God
gǎn 感 (verb) feel, sense, move, touch, (noun) sense, feeling
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
gǎnxiè 感谢 (verb) thank, be grateful
nǐ 你 you
měi 每 every, each
tiān 天 day, sky, heaven
měitiān 每天 every day
doū 都 (adverb) all
kàn 看 look after, take care of
gù 顾 attend to, to look after
kàngù 看顾 take care of
wǒ 我 I

I can be strong and courageous because you go before me and will be with me;
Wǒ néng jiānqiáng yǒnggǎn yīnwèi nǐ zài wǒ qiántou xíng, yě yǔ wǒ tóng zài;

wǒ 我 I
néng 能 can, be able to
jiān 坚 (adj) hard, solid, firm, strong
qiáng 强 (adj) strong, able
jiānqiáng 坚强, (adj) strong, firm
yǒng 勇 (noun) brave, valiant, courageous
gǎn 敢 (verb) dare, (adj) bold, daring
yǒnggǎn 勇敢 (adj) brave, courageous
yīn 因 on the basis of, because
wèi 为 [indicating the object of one’s act of service]
yīnwèi 因为 because
nǐ 你 you
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
qián 前 front, forward, ahead
tóu 头 head, beginning, first
qiántou 前头 front
xíng 行 to walk, travel
yě 也 also, too, as well
yǔ 与 with
tóng 同 together, with, same
tóng zài 同在 be with

You will never leave me nor forsake me.
Nǐ jué bù piē xià wǒ, yě bù líqì wǒ.

nǐ 你 you
jué 绝 [used before a negative word] absolutely, by any means, on any account
bù 不 no, not
piē 撇 cast aside, neglect
xià 下 [used after a verb as a complement]
piē xià 撇下 leave behind
wǒ 我 I
yě 也 also, too, as well
lí 离 leave, part
qì 离弃 abandon, discard
líqì 离弃 abandon

O Lord, I need not be afraid nor be discouraged for You are with me
Zhǔ a, yǒu nǐ zài, wǒ bù hàipà, yě bùbì jīnghuāng
主啊, 有你在我不害怕, 也不必惊慌

Zhǔ 主 Lord
a 啊 [used at the end of the sentence to convey a feeling of admiration or an undertone of warning]
yǒu 有 (verb) have, possess, there is, exist
nǐ 你 you
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
wǒ 我 I
bù 不 no, not
hài 害 (verb) harm, (adj) harmful, (verb) do harm to, feel
pà 怕 (verb) fear, dread, be afraid of
hàipà 害怕 (verb) fear, be afraid
yě 也 also, too, as well
bì 必 (verb) must, have to, (adv) necessarily, surely, certainly
bùbì 不必 need not, not have to
jīng 惊 be frightened, startle
huāng 慌 (adj) nervous, scared
jīnghuāng 惊慌 (adj) alarmed scared, panic-stricken

I give you thanks, I give you praise. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Wǒ gǎnxiè nǐ, wǒ zànměi nǐ. Wǒ dǎogào fèng yēsū de míng. Āmen.
我感谢你, 我赞美你. 我祷告奉耶稣的名. 阿们.

wǒ 我 I
gǎn 感 (verb) feel, sense, move, touch, (noun) sense, feeling
xiè 谢 (verb) thank
gǎnxiè 感谢 (verb) thank, be grateful
nǐ 你 you
zàn 赞 (verb) praise, commend
měi 美 (adj) beautiful, good
zànměi 赞美 (verb) praise
dǎo 祷 (verb) pray
gào 告 (verb) tell, inform, request, ask for
qídǎo 祈祷 or dǎogào 祷告 (verb) pray
qí 祈 (verb) pray
fèng 奉 (verb) present or receive with respect, esteem, revere
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
míng 名 (noun) name
Āmen 阿们 Amen

Deuteronomy 31:6-8 / Shēn mìng jì 31:6-8 / 申命记 31:6-8

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