Do you know about aldehydes? 🤔

1 month ago

Do you know about aldehydes? 🤔

Foods that are high in aldehydes use up your body's detox processes.

Your liver has to detox a LOT of things.

If you have a diet that's high in aldehydes, your body is busy breaking down the aldehydes and not detoxing other toxins.

Foods that are high in aldehydes are things like fermented foods, aged foods, preserves, coffee, and very ripe fruits.

That's one reason why you might not feel so good if you have a cup of coffee. Your body has to clear the high aldehydes which can cause other things to back up.

Some people can't have fermented foods, or not very many fermented foods. We say fermented foods are so good for your gut, but everybody has a personal tolerance level.

Some people can eat a lot and be totally fine. Others may only be able to handle about a tablespoon of of sauerkraut per day.

You have to do what YOUR body is telling you.

This is not cookie cutter.

It's a personal exploration. 💕

In Eat God's Way, we're all doing what's right for your own body.

Simple methods. Simple tools. Simple whole foods. Simple goodness.

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

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FYI Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality, simple whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that save you money and time, while providing nutritious, digestible, and delicious meals and snacks for your family.

BTW it's NOT rule-based. We eat this way to give God glory and honor His design for our nourishment.

God bless you! 🥰

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