Scott Jennings: Voters Don't Care About January 6 - They Ran Back To Trump Because Of His Policies

2 months ago

Posted • January 7, 2025: Republican Scott Jennings brought some common sense to CNN on Monday. He says voters during the election didn’t judge President-Elect Donald Trump by January 6, or treat the day like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, like ‘journalists’ and their fellow Democrats do. Instead, voters compared Trump’s and Biden’s policies and examined how those impacted their lives. That’s why voters ran back to Trump. Amazingly simple, isn’t it? Jennings explains it all here. 🚨 Scott Jennings drives home the fact that American voters rejected the idea that J6 was a deal-breaker for Trump: “The American people went scrambling back to Donald Trump." - "They chose to analyze two presidencies, which included one day and a whole bunch of other policy decisions, and they went back to Trump." - “The other thing is — it's not been since 1988 that Democrats have not challenged a Republican win on the floor of the House when trying to count the votes."

A lot of voters know ‘journalists,’ their fellow Democrats and establishment Republicans have exaggerated January 6 into some event that nearly ended Democracy. They also know they’ve been lied to about what happened that day as well. In the end, the Democracy-ending myth stood no chance against the lifestyle-destroying policies and inflation caused by the Biden administration. Americans voted accordingly. Americans are simply tired of constantly hearing about a singular day that has absolutely no effect on their daily lives. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Scott Jennings: Voters Don’t Care About January 6 - They Ran Back To Trump Because of His Policies

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