Here We Go ! Wandering drunken poets at 7 am

2 months ago

Here we Go !

Now she's supporting her neighbor, Those ex catholic buy her the maps.

A man is supposed to talk to, While she don't know what to do.

She says we shoutin on the call emails, Says she hates me ever since I arrived.

Says I'm not allowed to go unheard, Because it would be too challenging in court, That I would not be an occupant, Of the assembly hall on her state, There there soon as she's found and fine, Not with yak the cerebral palsy, This liver says she's woundin.

And as she's just... Yeah. Oh she don't want the challenge?


She plays with Pittsburgh Steelers.

She was no bully, great, uh, a-liar.

I'm fed up with this. Want someone else?

Here we go.

Here we go.

Now she says she hates me.

She's got a growth for 27 years.

She loves when Sheryl says hi. And she won't let go of the evenin.

Here we go.

Now she does satan's worker.

7 or 8 at a time.

I've never met her dwelling.

So who knows the secret in-law?

Here we go.

Here we go.

Oh dancin off the nickel...

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