Argillic Alterations of Bootleg Canyon

2 months ago

35.989597, -114.87074
The altered volcanics and pluton rocks of the River Mountains east side along the Hamblin Bay Fault. The fault extends from the Cleopatra volcanics of Boulder Canyon across Lake Mead southward along the McCoullugh Mtns. The fault is a north-south trending accomadation of the east-west Basin and Range extension beginning 14 million years B.C. Three strato valcanos were moved along the fault, the Hamblin-Cleopatra, River Mtns (north Wilson Ridge pluton), and a missing one above the Boulder City pluton. And there was a goat up on the mountain.

Hydrothermal Alterations Types:

Structural and geochemical constraints on the reassembly of disrupted mid-Miocene volcanoes in the Lake Mead-Eldorado Valley area of southern Nevada:

Free 1977 USGS Geo Map and Google Earth KMZ:

Camera: $200 Sony CX405

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