Shoulder Injury Recovery & Best Training Habits - Super In Depth!

2 months ago

The shoulder is a complex joint that allows for a wide range of motion in the arm. The muscles of the shoulder are responsible for moving the arm and stabilizing the joint. However, the shoulder is also one of the most delicate and vulnerable joints in the body, especially when training with heavy overhead and lateral movements.

The shoulder join is an intricate system of many muscles, including four rotator cuff muscles that play a foundational role in the stability and movement of the joint. These muscles are relatively small and can easily become injured if not properly warmed up prior to exercising. Shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, strains, inflammation or tendonitis can be debilitating and take a long time to heal, leading to a loss of training time and overall quality of life.

It is ESSENTIAL to warm up the muscles of the rotator cuff before exercising, especially before any heavier working sets. A proper warm-up routine should include exercises that target the rotator cuff muscles specifically. That includes movements in external rotation, internal rotation, directional shoulder raises and others! These exercises help to activate and warm up the muscles, increasing blood flow and reducing the risk of injury.

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