Jimmy Evans Leaving XO Marriage, Following Daystar Backlash-SA Prosecutor speaks about Daystar

Streamed on:

Jimmy Evans Announces He’s Leaving XO Marriage, Following Daystar Backlash https://julieroys.com/jimmy-evans-announces-hes-leaving-xo-marriage-following-daystar-backlash/

Laura Lynn video https://www.youtube.com/live/D1u0QrbgmR0?si=-IG88ggVUTIon9x3

Thank you to everyone who stopped in to watch my video. Many people are now sharing my videos and thank you for likin them. Please join me in prayer for the Lamb family. God bless you and your family. Bro J

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Official statement from Joni Lamb https://x.com/DaystarJoni/status/1861164179853320627

Official statement from Join Lamb https://daystar.com/Statement

#daystar #jonathanlamb #johathansuzylamb #MarcusRogers #drmichaelbrown #inthelineoffire #harvestchurchkelowna #battleforcanada #artlucier #canadianfirewall #LauraLynnTylerThompson #PatriciaKing #lancewallnaushow #lancewallnau

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