The Bubonic Plague and the Jews

2 months ago

Here is another that I had posted on my backup account. It is regarding the Black Plague. The narrator observes the areas that were unaffected by the black plague. It is Polan/Ukraine. Who occupied those territories at the time? Well, the same so-called Jews of today. It is said that they poisoned the water wells, but what they did was engineer the black plague also known as the Bubonic Plague.

Here is what I wrote about it on my backup account:
I have been battling with pro-vaccine individuals on Threads lately. Threads is a great platform if you want to increase your knowledge on these things because it inspires you to dig deeper. To research further specific topics. This I thought was important due to historical pandemics and a recent one we had just gone through. Problem, reaction, solution.

The Jêws have a really bad reputation for poisoning the water wells, particularly during the Bubonic Plague. Also know as the Black Plague or the Black Death. As I read what these individuals believe, that if you venture through a cemetery you will notice that the majority of childrens graves were victims to disease, disbelief hit me. The theory is that this stopped with the introduction of vaccines.

I am not necessarily antivaccine, but I do not support that it prevents or cures anything. I think that is propaganda as biochemists engineered disease and then provided the solution through a vaccine, resulting in them being seen as heroes and garnering wealth. The Black Plague was created in the 1300's and while it wiped out populations in Europe and Asia, Poland was pretty much left alone by it.

Poland as many of you know, was occupied by the Ashkenazi. So I went looking for research done on the topic and found this video. It is terrible quality where you cannot really make out the text yourself, but it is a man reading a book about it to you. I am going to provide a link to the book in PDF format so that you can read it yourselves.

What is really important to acknowledge is that it targeted populations that were dominantly Christian. COVID was another of the same tactic. As he has stated, people are not born with a hatred for Jêws. It is a reaction to their behavior. They have killed so many people and are still doing it. It never stopped. I didn't even think about these things until maybe 2 years ago.

We are learning, and with what we learn that hatred is created. This post will be blocked because it is hatred even though I am only opening a discussion about something that needs to be talked about, so try and see this before it does. I will appeal but I guarantee they won't change their minds. I want to start these discussions so that we can look at the evidence and learn the truth. That should not be censored.

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