Tracking a Buck with my Pup Ollie 2024

16 days ago

Got in my fence crossing stand for a northwest wind at 1:00 this afternoon, the fence crossing is on my left side. I connected my harness, set up cameras & gear, turned on my sight, nocked an arrow in my vertical bow, and sat down to cool off, no head gear, gloves or release on at this time. As I was cooling down I looked to my left and there was what I consider a shooter buck ready to cross the fence, this means he’s 20 yards from me. I turned on my camera, but didn’t hit the record button, I knew I had to act fast but move slow, I reached in my pocket and got my release out, and attached it to my right wrist, I then grabbed my bow stood up and had to spin all the way around to my left because my bow was hanging to my right, luckily he had paused for about 15 seconds, I tried to turn my camera towards him, but still hadn’t hit the record button, lol! I then decided in a split second if I was going to shoot this deer I had to stop messing with the camera. I drew back my bow as I could see he was heading for an opening at about 15 yards, and as he started to walk again I released. I could see the arrow was a little farther back than I’d like and it was sticking out my side of the deer about four inches, so there was not a pass through. I watched him run about 100 yards and thought I’d heard a crash. I went back to my house changed clothes, gave him a little over an hour and took my little dachshund Ollie out to find him, took Ollie less than five minutes, and we found him in the creek, the tracking with Ollie will be a video. 7 point, 15” inside spread, 10-1/2” height, I figure 2.5 year old, not huge buck but a nice big bodied adult deer.

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