FDNY Union Slams Newly Implemented Congestion Tolls

2 months ago

Posted • January 7, 2025: Some Morons Don't Deserve the Care of First Responders … But They'll Still Get It — For full disclosure, my son is a Firefighter. More specifically, he is a full time Firefighter/Paramedic and Driver/Engineer. He has been a full time firefighter since he was 19 and has spent most of his time since then taking additional classes while also working full time to expand his knowledge base. Obviously, I am a proud Mom. That's why this particular tweet made smoke come out of my ears today. -- big_pedestrian @big_pedestrian: “Fire departments often have a 19th century approach to public safety. Less than 5% of calls are for fires. There are ~225 road injuries to every fire injury. Deaths are ~11:1. As their primary job is EMT, they should be more in favor of congestion pricing than anyone.” -- Did you just firesplain their job from your comfy midtown apartment your parents pay for? First of all, we don't pay first responders enough as it is.

We expect them to save lives and keep society from spinning out of control, yet we pay them pennies on the dollar. My son inserts IVs in the back of an ambulance speeding toward the hospital and never misses a vein, yet they aren't treated as medical professionals or compensated as such. I could write a whole essay on that. Beyond that, this man suggested firefighters should be happy to deal with fewer people. That's not how their job works or even what they consider. They are there to serve all citizens, even the ones who can't afford congestion pricing. Rather than listen to the representative from the NYFD share his concerns, his real and legitimate concerns, this guy thinks he has all the answers from his keyboard. So typical of how we dismiss First Responders. When that guy needs a First Responder he will be glad one is available quickly and will likely wish he treated them with way more respect.

Then, a goofball who wants to 'free' an imaginary place pipes up with his two cents no one asked for. They are different than 'regular' people. How many regular people will show up at your door at 3:00 am within minutes of your call? How many 'regular' people will speed to save your house because you left a candle lit and then risk their lives to save your dog? Not many. Don't place them in the category of regular people. There should be some special privileges for people who risk their lives for people who show no appreciation for them. -- Free Palestine Stop Cop City @cajafa8: “They squeak and whine for the same reason NYPD squeaks and whines to get exemptions and to get the city to throw more money at them to prove they are worth more than regular old residents.” -- RoyEMunson69 @RoyEMunson69: “Most of them are from Long Island or Rockland county and commute in. This takes money out of their pocket. You are an idiot.” Since they aren't paid enough to actually live where they serve.
Maybe you should pay for them to get to work then… Why don’t they just eat cake? -- Brandon J. Neider @BrandonNeider: “I see we've reached the cope point of the left hating the fire department lol” -- The Left always hates the working class. They are just now way more outspoken about it. They get 1000s of calls a day. Their firefighters have to transition stations sometimes to cover people who are out, because you assholes didn't exempt them, they won't use their personal vehicles anymore to transport and have to use city owned emergency vehicles… It's a shame they will always treat all citizens the same. Some don't deserve it.

• More at: New York Post - FDNY unions say congestion toll will hurt response times: 'Could mean the difference between life and death'

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