16 days ago

Why Worry
If This Is Good-Bye
This was originally going to be a DOCUMENT video with music BACKGROUND.
Looks LOTS better in document form! But just copying and pasting what was ALSO going to be here to read, anyhow.

Chief Stands Alone
Cody Hawk
Fables of Aesop
Valerie R./Health with Val
Leonard Ulrich
Low Hawk
MicroSoft News
Mystery in History

Special Thanks to Various Patriot
Info Gatherers
Fact Checkers
News Aggregates
Documentary Producers
Video Makers

A story of greed’s unexpected outcomes and
trust betrayed.


A new, fresh look at POTUS45-47.

Having had a nightmarish dream last night, regarding
the lawn of my birthplace being covered and literally
swimming with leeches, I’ll let readers decide what
these represented to me, via to where this article is
already obviously leading.
Just be aware, we (our family) voted for “the man”.
The question has always been, “Are we only, simply
and always voting for the lesser of two evils?”

Broken Promises
Let’s begin with promises not kept, as some too many
declare that DJT did keep every one of his promises.
No human is perfect, of course. We all make mistakes. Yet, we are - that is to say, our reputations -
only as good as keeping our word.
This is especially true of the most important promises,
having the most significant consequences.

The 3 major promises that he did not keep, but broke.
1. “Lock her (HRC) up!”, right after winning.
2. “Build the wall!”. 80 vs. 458 miles built.
3. “Bring them home!” No troops brought home
from the Middle-East.
If listening closely, he basically called the Clintons
a nice family, also saying Soros was a good guy.

New Promises
Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System
“It will be on land,..on sea,..in air”.
aka Land, Air, Water = “LAW”
BitCoin digital currency (CBDC?)
Enriching “Silicon Valley”.

We must consider his close associations,
including Elon Musk in his new administration.
A person who loves the letter ‘X’, involved in
and supportive of several nefarious areas of
corporate monopoly and powerful control,
including “big pharma”, starlink (communications),
A.I. and promoting brain (chip?) implants.
By all appearances and known history, he was not
only born with a golden spoon in his mouth, much
like DJT, Musk is a member of the dark occult.
At best, he is an Ashkenazi “jew”, according to
some sources, while openly admitting close ties
to his education in a “Hebrew school” and his
“Jewish Roots”

Note: There are “jews” who are not Zionists
and Zionists who are not “jews”.
No assumptions are being made here.
We are spiritual Zionists, awaiting Mt. Zion, or
New Jerusalem, not political Zionists.
We assert, in our own opinion, that many “jews”
are Khazarians, not true Israelites.
Many are atheists or worse.

Since his successful reelection, starting with rumors
that the Bidens voted for him and Hunter given a deal,
old enemies are flocking to him, as if begging for
forgiveness, as he rubs shoulders with them and
they are contributing money. Scared? Bribes?
So far, their meetings appear very amicable.

Here, a brief mention of “Privacy X”
< aka Cody Hawk >
He seems to have inside connections, claims to know
things he can’t repeat and says that he, not only knows the plan, but that no one is coming to save us.

Now, I would refer you to four verses of Scripture.
1. 2 Thes. 2:9 All power of satanic deception.
2. Matt. 24:23 False “christ”/savior.
3. Rev. 13:3-4 Fatal wound heals. (election?)
Who can battle the beast?

The problem being, once certain so-called rules of
law are set into motion, even if DJT is a true patriot,
there is virtually no stopping these divisive devices
from turning into the worst “Christian” nightmare.

Sure, DJT admits to being human and making mistakes, particularly not knowing the political game
(supposedly), who he was dealing with and his
enemies really were, during his first term.
However, among all these and other facts, we can
not ignore nor dismiss that his personality and
character seems egomaniacal to narcissistic,
which is only one step away from sociopathic.
At very least, egomaniacal.
He may not break, under pressure, but feed his
ego (and pad it with money), he might bend. No?

As Christians and/or Patriots
We the People
bring our full weight of pressure down on the one
who should be a fellow leader of and servant(s),
and never let up, in order to see to it and make
sure and certain that HE serves our will, in the
interest of freedom and equal justice for all,
without reservation, hesitancy or excuse.
It is not ours to serve HIS will nor interest,
nor that of any other nation or entity.
Such pressure must also be constant!

demand answers

We must continually remind him of these facts and
that nothing less will ever suffice.
Nor can We allow any less.
Nor can it succeed in the end.
And, also, that there are only two good methods to
kill leeches.
Only truly faithful Christians among Messianic
followers, will fully and truly understand.

The man we are depending upon to help restore our
already virtually destroyed republic must not lead us
onto a path into compromised privacy of destruction
and death.

This portion could easily become the lengthiest and
most complicated. Let’s keep it simple.
NEVER should anyone be expected to receive
any untested or experimental foreign material into
their body. In fact, it NEVER should have been offered, much less compliance be expected,
mush less eventually mandated, along with vilifying
those who chose not to go along with this program,
while threatened or bribed.

This “pandemic” came at the end of the first DJT
presidential term, so that it can be debated who
instigated the “mandates”, also who might could
have stopped them. Ultimately, US!

With this fact in mind, we may rightly ask DJT some
crucial questions, tough to answer.
#1. Why are you still touting the “vaccine” and bragging about it?!?
You claim that it / YOU (savior complex) saved
millions of lives, when the exact opposite is true.
So, that is a LIE!
We MUST ask ourselves;
Are we dealing with a truth-teller or a liar?

While the next question is also aimed at DJT,
we best only ask ourselves this one, also, as asking
him only provides him an “out” reason, or poor excuse.

#2. Did [you] DJT try and drop us subtle hints,
more obvious to those more intelligent and/or
“critical thinking”?
A. You received HCQ.
B. You mentioned injecting “bleach”.

He later said he got the Pfizer shot + a booster.
( see reference videos )
The latter could have very well referred to
Sodium Chlorite / Chlorine Dioxide.
(Used as a Naturopathic “medicine”.)
So, how many of us did he expect to “get the memo”,
understand and “save”?

The next question, we can readily ask of him,
and in consideration and light of the first one.

#3. Was there, or IF there was a strategic reason
you could not be more transparent, then, then why
not full and clear transparency, NOW?!?
Explain the strategy and the continued brags!

#4. Regarding “make AMERICA great, again”,
why your close, tight love-lust affair with Israel?
The real question is, WHY did you openly and
publicly, rather proudly in tone, say that “Israel used
to run the U.S. Congress and it was great!”?
(paraphrased by memory)


So, is DJT a “white hat” or “controlled opposition”?
More than a few true patriots believe the latter.
Don’t make the same far-leftist mistake of vilifying
your fellow man and compatriots for having their
own opinion, like the choice of not receiving a PCR
test or vaccine!
You become a divisive gray-hat!
We best unite as one body, under Messiah!

This said, it would be remiss of me not to mention
another FACT!
The RAPTURE comes at the END and not before
There is much MARTYRDOM, past and future,
seen in Matthew 24, throughout Revelation(s)
and in other “books” of the “Holy Bible”.
Matthew 24:31
Mark 13:27
1 Corinthians 15:52

Did DJT say he’s NOT Christian?


Peace Treaty
In 1985, Trump’s “ultimate deal” goal was a peace
treaty between Israel and Palestinians.
( sources: Corner Table & 2014 Times of Israel )
From the time that Donald first campaigned for
U.S. presidency, his links to “jews” have been
tight and inexorably connected.

Religious Trust
Is it merely faith, though, when at the
Family Leadership Summit of 2015, he not only
admitted to being Presbyterian, but confessed that
he has never asked “God” for forgiveness?
Also, his pastor was Norman Vincent Peale, a
well known author, Mason and shriner.

Going Nuke
It has largely been forgotten that Trump is not new to
nuclear matters. At least, since 1987, he claimed tp
be dealing with people “at a very high level”, in the
[Reagan] White House, on doomsday questions.

Taj Casino
In December, 2016, investment banker Wilbur Ross,
who worked for Rothschild, Inc., helped bail Trump
out from his casino’s possible bankruptcy.

Time’s Change
Compare the covers of TIME magazine in 2016 “meltdown”
and 2024 “Person of the Year”.

Elite (golden toilet)
- Actor aspirations + WWE & Apprentice
Campaign - worked with many Khazarian "jews"
- Drain Swamp -
HRC investigation
- Didn't fire Dr. F (Shiva petitioned)
- Assigned Bolton + others
- Soros is OKAY
- Signed Lockdown
- Pfizer payout $1M
- Warp Speed
- Touted Stab
- Jan6 left DC ("I'll be there")
- Cabal thugs always infight for power
- MANY DYING (to wake up and see?)
-HOPIUM - “Trust the Process”

☙ ❦ ❧
Low Hawk

Alternative Natural Cancer Cure

Also on Rumble


The Forbidden Cures
REV. 22:2

History of Chlorine Dioxide / MMS

MMS / Sodium Chlorite > Chlorine Dioxide
HydroxyChloroQuine allows viruses to attack cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells, healthy. (AFLD)
Even more effective, when used with Azithromycin. (IJAA)
IVERMECTIN < https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34466270/ >

Also, Tumeric Curcumin, Turkey Tail Mushroom & Essiac Tea + more.
Skin Cancer - IODINE TINCTURE 7% Solution + Red Light Therapy

( 1931 Nobel Peace Prize winner )
"All forms of cancer have two basic conditions; acidosis and hypoxia." 😷
"Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours it may become cancerous"
"Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline."

Blood pH of 7.2+
Easily tested per OTC test strips.

For those who got the shot.. (ref: Dr. Kevin Stillwagon);
D-Dimer test for blood clotting.
< https://www.webmd.com/dvt/what-is-the-d-dimer-test >
Troponin test for heart muscle.
< https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/troponin-test/ >


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