How Can We Drain the Swamp … by Refilling It?

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What is the plan? What will change? Republicans are squandering this trifecta with the same issues, the same approach to legislating, and the same loser arguments. Today, I broach the need to shoot down bad ideas from the administration and not take a “wait and see” approach after it’s already too late. We’re joined by Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Mo.), one of the Freedom Caucus members who penned a letter to the speaker demanding that we up our game on budget reconciliation. Burlison makes the case for reorienting the focus of the reconciliation bill toward transformational spending cuts. He is constantly thinking of ideas to fulfill the mandate rather than producing corny videos on social media like some of his colleagues. He also believes that health care reform needs to be part of the discussion. His plan is to negotiate directly with Trump rather than with Johnson.

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