Wanning Luoniushan Meat Joint Farm successfully opened

2 months ago

Wanning Luoniushan Meat Union successfully opened. On January one, two thousand twenty-five, at the beginning of the new year, the opening event of Wanning Luoniushan Meat Industry Co., Ltd. was a complete success. Li Gangtong, Chairman of the Food Division of Luoniushan, along with the Quality Control Department of the Joint Stock Company, the Quality Control Department of the Meat Company, and the management team of Wanning Meat Union Company, attended the opening event. At the opening ceremony, leaders from Wanning Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Municipal Animal Health Supervision Institute, and Municipal Food Company provided care and guidance. The personnel involved in various stages such as waiting for slaughter, slaughtering, inspection, quarantine, distribution, and logistics support carried out their work in an orderly manner according to the predetermined plan, successfully completing the slaughter task on the first day of opening. In the future, Wanning Meat Union Company will continue to seize the significant opportunities brought by the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, create a demonstration enterprise that complies with the national "Quality Standards for Pig Slaughtering", enhance the brand influence and competitiveness of Luoniushan Enterprise, and contribute to the stable price and supply of pork in Wanning City. (Author: Gu Chengpeng) (Luo Niushan)

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