INTERVIEW: 5 Tips for Accelerating Product Ideation & Innovation

16 days ago

"Dr. HermanSJr. of 'Platinum Sciences: Institute For Step-Change' On 5 Tips for Accelerating Product Ideation & Innovation" by Journalist Rachel Kline of Authority Magazine on, published on October 10, 2023.

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"You must be the greatest in the history of your arena, else, you are a failure. This is hard to hear and gauge, but it is the maxim of history’s greatest. While no one is perfect, the goal is to forever aim for perfection. You must inculcate this maxim and never tire, never waiver from the goal of being the greatest in history in whatever arena (e.g. in the case of this article’s topic of accelerating product ideation and innovation)."

Learn to habituate cognitive-revamping with Dr. HermanSJr. (of Platinum Sciences: Institute For Step-Change) to forever revamp your entire vision and mindset, thinking-foundation, entire core to maximize your human-capital (your abilities) to use in every atmosphere of your personal/professional life.

Continue your journey via the Holistic Vision workbook "Resetting Your Mindset: Using Universal Foundations That Surround You Every Day" (Foreword by Dr. Ruben Lambert [PsyD]) available at

If link does not work in your country, search online for the title and author ("Dr. HermanSJr.").

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