I got EVERY ACHIEVEMENT in X-Men (Genesis) with RetroAchievements

21 days ago

I streamed X-Men for the Sega Genesis. I grinded for Retro Achievements (Hard Mode) and Mastered it in a couple of hours. It was fun but a little easier than I expected.

It only took me one stream to get it done. A couple of the more challenging achievements were trying to beat it on Super Hero Difficulty and maybe finishing the game without changing X-Men in the last level.

Nightcrawler was really my go to X-Men to play. He makes the game a lot easier to navigate. I like to call him the "Cheat Code" because he can literally break the game.

I always pick Gambit to play through the Savage Land with, Cyclops to play on the Shi'ar level and Wolverine to start the Excalibur Lighthouse level. But, in all honesty I could just use Nightcrawler throughout the game and make it really easy, he really is the best X-Men to play.

Ahab's Future is still my least liked level due to the poor level design. It is a lot easier to beat Ahab with Nightcrawler than with any other X-Men.


#X-Men #Genesis #RetroAchievements #Retro #Gaming #Sega #Marvel #Gambit #Nightcrawler #Wolverine #Cyclops #HardMode #Magneto #Apocalypse #Mojo #Juggernaut

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