Channelling Elvis Presley - a 90th Anniversary Special

2 months ago

Elvis Presley would have been 90 years old on 8th January 2025 - yes he shares a birthday with David Bowie (see Heart Squad playlist for videos with him also).
In this video I bring Elvis through, and oh boy his energy is amazing, we share some beautiful moments together as well as some in-depth answers to some of your questions for him:
Resume of what came through in first two videos with Elvis (both listed on my Heart Squad playlist below)
Top 5 Elvis Songs, as voted in UK recently - what's yours?
What was HIS favourite song and why?
Why Elvis is WAITING before reincarnating back here
Bringing Elvis in – Visiting the Music Hall in the sky, The King has his mojo back, a message for his older fans, remembering youth and basking in its warmth, fun and the joy of old dance times
16:02 Prayers for Lachlan (broken pelvis) and messages on mobility for all
24:42 Tattoos and The Celtic Knot (Benjamin and Lisa Marie had them) – and the galactic light coded Celtic Knot
The Family Soul Group and lines of connection, and the power of symbols
30:31 Lisa Marie Presley, Benjamin Keough, Priscilla Presley
Muhammad Ali friendship
40:04 Lisa Marie transition to spirit and Elvis’s role
46:58 Current state of music, who he likes, and whether the industry can survive
1:02:08 Elvis’s twin and his thoughts and experiences
Lisa Marie Song Sticks and Stones
Elvis on the Divine Masculine and masculinity
1:11:59 The wounded masculine, prisons and rehabilitation help
1:21:00 Thoughts on remaining an icon 90 years on
Final invitation to the 90th party and integrating JOY!
@amandaellis#heartsquad #Elvis #Channelling #elvispresley #angelicmedium

Heart Squad playlist

Rainbow Bridge Gateway & Connection Aura Spray - Hand made by my team in England

Blue Swede Shoes Elvis Presley

To donate (thank you)

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Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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