The Difference Between Real and False Prophets!

2 months ago

In this prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z and Rick Renner teach about identifying prophets in the body of Christ.
Joseph outlines the different types of prophets: real, false, and novices. Rick explains that a real prophet can become false due to his motives; if a prophet’s motive is to take advantage of people monetarily, the prophet is considered false. He clarifies that most false prophets in the church began with a genuine gift but became corrupted over time.

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Next, Joseph outlines the qualities of real prophets, revealing that they are biblical, under submission, generous, and recognized by the body of Christ. However, the false ones are unbiblical, greedy, and questionable, while the novices are in a gray area.

Joseph explains that novices are in the valley of decision; they can either become real or false prophets if they heed a rebuke. Rick references Galatians 3:1 to explain the need to use our common sense whenever we find ourselves in a place that does not resonate with our calling or with what God has called us to do. Additionally, Joseph clarifies that only things of value can be counterfeited, explaining how we can be deceived if we’re not rooted in God’s word. He elaborates further, teaching that angels of light show up to deceive those under their influence, and only those who lack God’s word within them fall prey to this deception.

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