Episode 2842: The Divine Maternity of Mary - Morning Episode

2 months ago

St. Lucian of Antioch
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Speak Lord
Word of the Day
Saints & Theology Mystical Theology The study of direct experiences of God through contemplation and prayer.

In 2025 I’m raising the bar on myself. When every I get a little too comfortable in my spiritual life I must try doing more or different so I don’t become complacent. As you now I use the morning and nightly quotes and scripture readings provided by two different priests and then write an episode around those quotes and scripture. I am going to try and get my own quotes and scripture readings and add two scripture readings one epistle and one gospel. So lets see how I do. Also, I started a series called the “Traditus Program” for young Catholic families. The spirit is to provide them a program over a 3 year period in order for them to build a firm foundation. I hope you join Sharon and me on those episodes and forward them to young Catholic parents who are truly trying to build a strong faith life for their children. Take away their tic tok and teach them Catechism so to speak.
The Divine Maternity of Mary and Her Role in Our Salvation
Today, we’re reflecting on the Divine Maternity of Mary and her pivotal role in salvation history. We'll explore profound quotes from saints, sacred scripture, and Church teaching to better understand how Mary’s role leads us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.
Segment 1: The Divine Mystery of Mary’s Role
To begin, let us turn to St. Athanasius, a Doctor of the Church who fiercely defended the divinity of Christ and the divine maternity of Mary. He once said:
"The Word of God became man so that He might make us gods. He was born according to the flesh so that we might be reborn according to the Spirit. He made His Mother a pure virgin so that He could make His Church a pure virgin."
This statement captures the profound connection between Mary’s role as the Mother of God and our spiritual rebirth. The purity of Mary as a virgin mirrors the purity Christ desires for His Church. Through her "yes" at the Annunciation, Mary became the gateway through which the Word of God entered the world, initiating our redemption.
Turning to Scripture, St. Paul affirms this in Galatians 4:4-7:
"But when the fullness of time was come, God sent His Son, made of a woman, made under the law: That He might redeem them who were under the law: that we might receive the adoption of sons."
Paul’s words remind us that Christ’s coming was not an isolated event but the culmination of God’s eternal plan. Mary, chosen "in the fullness of time," was integral to this plan.
Segment 2: Mary as the Masterpiece of God
The Church, in her wisdom, has always recognized Mary’s unique role. St. Louis de Montfort beautifully expresses this in True Devotion to Mary:
"Mary is the supreme masterpiece of Almighty God, and He has reserved the knowledge and possession of her for Himself. She is the holy Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and earth, Mediatrix of grace, the greatest treasure of the Lord."
Mary is indeed God’s "masterpiece," crafted with such care to be the vessel through which our Redeemer would come. She is not only the Mother of God but also our Mother, constantly interceding for us as the Mediatrix of all grace. Her unique relationship with the Trinity as the Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit sets her apart in her ability to lead us closer to God.
In Luke 2:16-21, we see Mary’s contemplative heart at work:
"And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. ... But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart."
Here, Mary exemplifies a life of contemplation and humility. Even amid the miraculous events surrounding Christ’s birth, she quietly ponders and treasures these mysteries. Her silence teaches us to trust in God’s plan even when it is not fully revealed.
Segment 3: Practical Devotion to Mary
How do we, as faithful Catholics, honor Mary’s unique role in salvation? Devotion to Mary isn’t optional; it’s essential. St. Louis de Montfort reminds us that true devotion to Mary always leads to Jesus. The Rosary, for instance, is a powerful way to meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life through Mary’s eyes.
We can also consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary, following St. Louis de Montfort’s method. This act of entrustment helps us give our entire selves to Jesus, allowing Mary to guide us in our spiritual journey.
Let us also contemplate Mary’s titles: Queen of Heaven and earth, Mediatrix of grace, and the Holy Mother of God. Each title points to her unique role and gives us reason to confidently turn to her in prayer.
As we close, let us reflect on the gift of Mary. In her "yes" to God, she became the Mother of our Redeemer and our spiritual Mother. Let us strive to imitate her humility, obedience, and unwavering faith.
I’d like to end with a traditional prayer to Mary:
Closing Prayer
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Queen of Heaven, Mediatrix of all grace, we thank you for your constant intercession. Teach us to trust in your Son as you did, to ponder His mysteries in our hearts, and to always say "yes" to His will. Help us grow in holiness so that we may one day join you in praising the Blessed Trinity for all eternity. Amen.
Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, may Our Lady guide you ever closer to her Son, Jesus Christ. God bless!

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