Article 5201 Video - International Public Notice: The End of the Deceit By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5201 Video - International Public Notice: The End of the Deceit - Sunday, January 5, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

This week in previous International Public Notices we have exposed and discussed numerous readily observable practices that reveal the extensive use of semantic deceit, personage, and fraudulent "mirroring" to steal the identity of the actual American Government and misrepresent it as an incorporated entity.

A few moments of sober consideration should satisfy anyone that an incorporated entity cannot function as a sovereign government. How would an incorporated entity be independent of its Incorporator?

Equally, logic should dictate that no sovereign government is eligible for public bankruptcy protection, which would require incorporation of said government and render it incompetent to act as a sovereign government. (See above.)

These two facts alone are sufficient to set aside any notion that our country is or ever was "bankrupt" and also any idea that our actual government has ever been incorporated.

What has been incorporated and repeatedly and deliberately bankrupted at our public expense is a look-alike, sound-alike set of foreign corporations, the United States, Inc. and the United States of America, Inc. operating variously as British Crown Corporations and as Roman Municipal CORPORATIONS, both acting as Federal Subcontractors exercising delegated powers.

If our Lawn Services provider is incorporated and goes bankrupt, does that imply that we have gone bankrupt?

No, and the only way that this has been made to appear otherwise, has been via the deliberate use of deceitfully similar names: the use of "the United States of America, Incorporated" to impersonate our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, for example, or "the UNITED STATES, INC." to stand in "for" and impersonate The United States.

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