
2 months ago

They’re screaming loud, they’re taking the stage, Spinning their words, fueling the rage. Preaching their truth like it’s carved in stone, But it’s a house of cards, and it’s overthrown.

You can’t rewrite the world with a broken pen, Tearing it apart to build it again.

The woke has got to go, we’ve had enough, Tearing down the walls, calling their bluff. Truth will stand when the lies won’t show, Rise from the ashes, let the freedom grow.

You cancel the past, you erase the name, But history’s roots still burn in the flame. Shouting for justice, but silencing speech, Your echo chamber’s just out of reach.

The louder you scream, the less that you hear, We’re breaking the chains and shedding the fear.

The woke has got to go, we’ve had enough, Tearing down the walls, calling their bluff. Truth will stand when the lies won’t show, Rise from the ashes, let the freedom grow.

A tidal wave of common sense, Breaking through your false pretense. No more rules that twist the game, The voices rise, they’re naming names.

The woke has got to go, we’ve drawn the line, Taking back the truth, it’s our time to shine. The lies will fall, and the world will know, The woke has got to go, let the future show.

Freedom’s fire is burning bright, Breaking the dark with the piercing light. The woke has got to go, it’s time to say, We’re taking back tomorrow, starting today.

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