Coffee With Jesus | S5, Ep. 9: Where is God in our grief?

2 months ago

Grief comes in many ways, and navigating through loss can be overwhelming. How can we learn to adjust to life without that loved one? Where is God in all of this?

In this episode, Paige and Elizabeth continue their conversation on grief. They speak of how grief has allowed them to take a front-row seat to see God walking alongside them. They share how, through grief, one can have the opportunity to know God better and see His purpose.

Listen to this episode to see how to experience God's presence in the midst of grief. Hear Paige and Elizabeth sharing their accounts of how God spoke to them in certain moments during grief. Knowing how God speaks in so many ways will lift your heart and bring you comfort.

Podcast Host: Elizabeth Bristol
Special Guest: Paige Sturgeon
Description by: Yilda Rivera

Special Resources:
First Hour Grief:
Grief Share:
Anchor For Life:

25 Days of Hope in the Winter of Your Grief:


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