Countdown!! 8 Days Until Eviction! Racist Michelle Lee Leave Longview Take Your Bigotry with You!

1 month ago

Are you Finished Packing Yet? 8 Days and Counting.

Get Out Michelle Lee Hardesty.

We Don't Allow Foul Mouth Racist Pigs Around Here!

People like you who Discriminate Against Gender & Race. Low Life Scum Like you Michelle Lee.
You were Raised a Rabbid Dog. Scally Wag No Class Racist Skank! Who Belongs behind bars with the rest of the Cyber Stalking Criminals.

Pretty Soon we won't have to worry about you screaming at the top of your lungs and when we come check on you. You say Oh it's just me yelling at the computer screen at that lady again.

Thats how you got Noise Complaints. Yelling at your Computer. Lol Dumb Skank Rag Ugly Dog Face Gremlin Looking Racist Witch.

Get Out Michelle Lee Hardesty. We Don't want you here anymore.

Get Out Racist Michelle Lee Hardesty! Leave!! Be Someone Else's Problem.

You have until 7am on the 15th and the Sheriff will be at your door. Make sure you take all your trash and junk with you.

The Dog Toys to Michelle You Nasty Cuddie Carrying Scally Wag Skank Low Life No Class Spot Covered Dog Face Gremlin!

BTW Michelle how was your kids Hannah and Forrest. How was their New Year? As if you would know. Approaching 50 must suck when your kids and family hate your ass.

Michelle Lee Hardesty Evicted for having a Racist Loudmouth!

Noise Complaints Documented Late Night Early Morning Mental Health Blowups and Meltdowns.

8 Days and Counting. Get Out Michelle Lee Your Bigotry and Racism isn't allowed around here.

This is a Non-Discrimination Apt Complex it's in your Lease Rules. Perhaps you didn't read them. Leave! Get Out! Pack Your Junk and Trash! Or We will have the Sheriff set it all outside.

Navigate 360 Lower CC Wendy and the Non-Discrimination Department knows all about it.

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