2 months ago

Recorded LIVE on 4 December 2024

Oprah was one of the first celebrities to engage deeply with Africa. She is well-known in South Africa for her prestigious academy for girls, which has also been surrounded by various scandals related to sex and abuse. Who is she really, and what are her true intentions in South Africa? Stay tuned for more insights.

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Chantelle's Info:
💜 https://chantellemeyburgh.co.za Chantelle is the founder of Source Alchemy and the SunKidz Programs, and has spent the last 18 years travelling to various destinations in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and the Middle East hosting talks, facilitating individual healing sessions and transformational workshops for adults and kids. She is an accomplished speaker, has appeared on national television and radio and has featured in various newspaper and magazine publications.

The Art of Alchemy is my experience of alchemy in this life. I have no doubt I have done all the heating and melting and smelting needed to be done on a physical level in lifetimes gone by, so now it is my core desire to re-access that knowledge spiritually, integrate it, and expand my consciousness in a way I never imagined; to come into complete union with my Spirit; to live a life on earth I desire and deserve… and to create that. I believe we come here to experience ‘heaven on earth’, whatever that may be for you. I will share my alchemical journey and what has worked for me.

Core Alchemy is all about understanding what inside of you is creating the limitations within you. It’s about looking within yourself and getting real with yourself, being honest with yourself, asking yourself the hard questions…

🔆https://chantellemeyburgh.co.za/ankh It is believed that life energy emanating from the Ankh can be absorbed by anyone within a certain proximity; and anyone wearing the Ankh, or is in the presence of someone wearing the Ankh, is Divinely Protected.

There is no doubt that many uniquely special children are being born all around the globe at this time with a strong sense of purpose to heal and protect earth. These are the SunKidz, tomorrow’s leaders, healers and teachers and as their name suggests, they are the Children of the Sun.


🌞SunKidz SoulSchool: https://www.sunkidzsoulschool.com/

💟Aquarius Rising Africa https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXUVVg4g62xPyKsEjjp-https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=aquarius%20rising%20africa

Chantelle's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChantelleMeybur

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