The Disappointing Vineyard 2 NKJV

1 month ago

The Disappointing Vineyard 2 NKJV (22min.) When GOD is not happy about what he has called Israel to be judgment comes. I read Isaiah 5:7-16. Our wisdom is judged. Jesus is chosen to be our Judge. Ask, seek and find from GOD as HE will answer you on HIS watch. A waiting period is taken on some answers. You can’t serve GOD and man. Be wise and build your house on the rock of our salvation Jesus. All religions can be idolatrous. You can’t serve GOD and man. Hell and it’s contents has enlarged itself as written now, especially since this COVID plague. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes. “Our house is on fire, and we need to put the fire out and light the love in our land.” We need true justice as under the Ten Commandments. Our country needs revival to produce repentance and reconnection to GOD. Like the queen of Sheba, I want to travel and listen to those wise and serve GOD in my answers when questioned. I am called to unite the people of Israel. I tell people to put up a guard against the coming “Mark of the Beast”, as this is on its way.

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