Nebraska Is the Serengeti of the Midwest, Where People Coexist Like the Wild Animals of the Savanna

1 day ago

In the heart of America's Midwest, Nebraska has evolved, or some might argue devolved, into what one could metaphorically describe as the "Serengeti of the Midwest." This comparison isn't based on the vast, beautiful landscapes or the rich biodiversity of the Serengeti but rather on the social dynamics, where survival seems to hinge on predation—albeit in a far more sinister, metaphorical sense.

The Serengeti is known for its raw, unfiltered display of nature's law where wild animals prey on each other, driven by the instinctual need to survive. Here, in Nebraska, the people, particularly the leadership but also an always increasing number of followers, engage in a similar but far more insidious form of predation. While the physical act of consuming one another is presumably absent, the metaphorical consumption through deceit, backstabbing, and exploitation paints a grim picture of human interaction.

In Nebraska, just like in the Serengeti, the strong prey on the weak. Hyenas in the Serengeti are notorious for hunting in packs, mauling their prey, and fighting viciously over the scraps. Similarly, Nebraska's social and political landscape is marked by groups, often figures of influence but also their acolytes, who form packs to target those they perceive as vulnerable—be it in business, politics, or community life. These leaders and minions, likened to the hyenas and vultures, don't just aim for success but thrive on the downfall of others, tearing down reputations and opportunities for their gain.

The narrative in Nebraska has shifted dramatically over the last forty years, revealing an animalistic nature that has been present, in some respects, far longer. This shift is epitomized by the current group of leaders who operate like a pack of wild animals in the Serengeti, hunting together with no fear of other predators. Individually, these leaders are very weak and pathetic, but as a pack, they dominate and devour. This change has transformed Nebraska from a community known for its support and honesty into one where survival depends on deceit and cunning.

Here, integrity takes a backseat to thievery, where the emphasis on deception and backstabbing is not just practiced but celebrated as a pathway to advancement. This environment has fostered a generation that knows no other way; where honesty is seen as a liability, and moral compromise is the price for a piece of the pie.

In the Serengeti, animals fight over the remains of a kill, a stark survival mechanism. In Nebraska, this translates to a metaphorical scramble for the remnants of opportunities, where the majority seem content to wait like vultures for the scraps left by the predatory elite. This culture of scavenging rather than creating has led to a society where genuine innovation and collaboration are overshadowed by scheming and exploitation.

Leadership in Nebraska, much like the apex predators of the Serengeti, has significantly influenced this predatory culture. With a history of leaders who are perceived as liars and frauds, the state has seen a decline in trust and an increase in cynicism. These leaders, through their actions, have set a tone where to succeed, one must emulate their less savory traits—dishonesty, betrayal, and a relentless pursuit of personal gain over collective good...

The question remains: Can Nebraska reverse this trend? The Serengeti's ecosystem is dictated by nature's immutable laws, but Nebraska's human society has developed the capacity for social stratification. With each generation that grows up in this predatory environment, the challenge becomes steeper. The state needs leaders who can foster an environment of integrity, collaboration, and genuine community support, rather than perpetuating the cycle of predation.

Nebraska, traditionally emblematic of Midwestern tranquility, has transformed into a metaphorical "Serengeti," where social dynamics echo the survivalist instincts of the African plains. For many decades, and particularly over the last forty, the state's leadership has cultivated an atmosphere where deceit and exploitation reign supreme. In this environment, individuals operate like wild animals, forming packs to hunt for personal advantage, battling over the metaphorical remnants of opportunities left by the predatory elite. This has birthed a culture where integrity is seen as a disadvantage, and backstabbing is celebrated as a means to success. Consequently, trust has evaporated, turning every interaction into a potential conflict zone, much like the relentless survival battles in the Serengeti. Nebraska's current social landscape is a stark departure from its communal roots, now dominated by a predatory ethos that shapes daily life.

#NebraskaSerengeti #MidwestPredation #WildWorldofNebraska #SurvivalOfTheLiar #NebraskaVultures

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