#2🧵 Jeffrey Sachs / Tucker Discuss how Israel Control America 🧵

2 months ago

🧵 Jeffrey Sachs take on Israel - Tucker Interview 🧵

⚠️ "Wesley Clark was told the neocons and the Israelis are gonna remake the Middle East and the 7 countries on the list are very telling, they were Lebanon Syria Iraq Iran and then in Africa Libya Somalia and Sudan. Seven countries we've been at war in, six of them now and I mean "WE" the United States on BEHALF OF ISRAEL"

🔹 "Think back to an occasion when Wesley Clark the general who headed NATO yes went to the Pentagon just after 9 11, and famously he was showed a piece of paper that said we're gonna have seven wars in five years"

🔹 "What happened in Syria last week was the culmination of a long term effort by Israel to reshape the Middle East in its image....no we're gonna have greater Israel and we're just gonna bash anybody that doesn't like it, and we're gonna do that by bringing down any government that supports the Palestinians.

#2 Full Episode at end of thread 🧵
#DavidSachs #Tucker #Israel #Netanyahu #GreaterIsrael

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