Our favorite journalist Eric Starkman sings Subaru's praises

1 month ago

Eric is a no-hold-barred reporter on all things automotive (and a whole lot more!) Lately that means he's not reporting a lot of good news. So when he promised he could be positive about Subaru's offerings, I took him up on it. That landed him our first episode of the new year! Here are the highlights.

00:00 - intro
02:00 - had an issue with his first Subaru and got great treatment
03:30 - early Apple iPlay use
04:30 - Subaru big for outdoorsy folks
08:30 - offroad capabilities
10:30 - changes made incrementally
11:30 - early marketing to LGBT
13:00 - marketing to dog lovers and supporting pet adoptions
17:45 - quality focus
22:00 - rankings of most-American-made cars
26:00 - environmental aspects of EVs
31:00 - hybrids

Yes, dog lovers, Subaru is very interested in your business! (And before we forget, here is the promised link to Andrew Cotter's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mrandrewcotter - enjoy!

There's a whole lot more (and still more in Eric's article about Subaru that we discussed, which you can find here: https://starkmanapproved.com/subarus-triumph-and-the-shame-of-gm-and-ford/), so tune in for the whole thing. Be sure to offer your comments, and if you like this one, please share it with our friends and hit the like and subscribe buttons too!

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