Muslim Asks Sam Shamoun Zakir Naiks Jesus Did Fulfill the Sign Of Jonah ?

2 months ago

Muslim who started going to church and previously listened to zakir naik and ahmed deedat questions about christianity asks apologist Sam Shamoun about Did Jesus stay
three days and three nights like the energy was made that he told would be the sign of Jonah and when we look at the cultural view of how these men in that time we see that it meant for a period of time, for example, if a person worked for three days they would not assume that they work for 3 (24) hour days they would assume that they worked for a while for it to count three days the same way it is applied, and that the condition of Jonah when we look at the Old Testament was that he did die in the belly of the beast and that God resurrected his soul back into his body when he was returned back into the land, the same way Jesus it would be resurrected as well, so would be brought back to his body and return on earth to the apostles

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Matthew 12 verse 38 to 41
Matthew 16 verse 21
Matthew 17 verse 22 to 23

Article Mentioned in Video:

0:00 Muslim interested in Christianity Background
1:29 Jesus fulfilling the Jonah prophecy
2:23 Analogy Jesus Gave about Jonah (Time Period not Condition)
4:20 Did Jesus really stay 3 days and 3 nights?
6:27 One Day Meaning in the culture where Jesus lived in
7:50 Was Jonah alive in belly of the fish?

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