Der Alte Und Der Junge König/The Old And The Young King (Film 1935 - ENG SUB)

2 months ago

The Old and the Young King (German: Der alte und der junge König) is a 1935 German historical drama film directed by Hans Steinhoff and starring Emil Jannings, Werner Hinz and Leopoldine Konstantin. Audio in German with English subtitles.

The film's sets were designed by the art directors Fritz Maurischat and Karl Weber. It was produced by a subsidiary of Tobis Film. Location shooting took place around Potsdam, including at the Garrison Church. Interiors were shot at the Grunewald and Johannisthal Studios. It premiered at the Ufa-Palast am Zoo.

Part of the tradition of Prussian films of the Weimar and Nazi eras, the film ostensibly deals with the intense conflict between Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I and his son and heir, Crown Prince Friedrich – the future King Friedrich II "The Great". This is a well-known incident of 18th century German history, which had drawn much public attention in the time itself, and been artistically treated before.

Cast & Characters
Emil Jannings as King Friedrich Wilhelm I
Leopoldine Konstantin as Queen Sophie
Werner Hinz as Crown Prince Friedrich
Carola Höhn as Crown Princess
Marieluise Claudius as Princess Wilhelmine
Claus Clausen as Lieutenant Katte
Friedrich Kayßler as Katte's Father
Georg Alexander as The Margrave of Bayreuth
Walter Janssen as von Natzmer
Theodor Loos as Friedrich Eberhard von Rochow
Heinrich Marlow as Grumbkow
Fritz Odemar as Hotham
Rudolf Klein-Rogge as Dessauer
Leopold von Ledebur as von Waldow
Friedrich Ulmer as von Reichmann
Harry Hardt as von Seckendorff
Luise Morland as Frau von Kamecke
Emilia Unda as Frau von Ramen
Ruth Eweler as Frl. von Sonsfeld
Eugen Rex as Eversmann
Ellen Frank as Countess Arnim
Paul Henckels as Pesne
Hans Leibelt as Knobelsdorf
Walter Steinbeck as Kaiserlingk
Hadrian Netto as First Usurer
Egon Brosig as Second Usurer

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