1157 Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed part 2

1 month ago

In 1157 Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, part 2, Reverend Nick Catania continues a series on the birth of Jesus Christ. In this section we consider the Magi. Who were they and what inspired them to pay homage to a prophesized Judean king? Hundreds of years earlier, during the captivity of Israel in Babylon, Daniel came to great prominence. He was made master of the magicians, astrologers, and soothsayers. He taught them the word written in the stars. The Eastern sect of the magis having been faithful to the teachings of Zoroaster learned to watch for astronomical signs. The magi would have traveled in a caravan, not all alone and there were probably more than three of them. They saw a young child, not a newborn infant. This is why Herod would have killed babies two years and under and not just newborns. Listen as Reverend Catania shares the exciting record of our savior's birth.

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