What Is GMEI Utility

2 months ago

Since I have been censored and unable to market any of my artwork, I am seeking answers. This was an old video I found around 2022 I think, or possibly before that, from Navy Seal Michael Jaco. It has long been deleted along with all of his channels, Unleashing Intuition, from Youtube. GMEI Utility is now shut down. I dont know how to look up this information or if it is even relevant. I have a lot of questions and want answers becuase I'm tired of having no income when I've worked for years. I have tons of artwork and the whole entire internet so far has been shadow banning me when I try to market it. See the next video for a bit of that info. This was recorded between 2022 and 2024, and I have bee so busy rushing around doing stuff for survival that I literally did not have the time to find these videos and compile them until now. Clear up to January 2025 when this is finally being uploaded. That's how much has been going on. More updates coming soon. I look forward to the spring when I can actually go out and talk to people since I have no car and live in the cold where I would never choose to live if I had money to choose to live or travel somewhere.

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