Oh HELL Yeah! Scott Jennings BLASTS CNN With The BRUTAL Truth About Americans And January 6

16 days ago

Posted • January 6, 2025: Dear Lefties, Media Dorks, and Democrats, Americans really don't give a damn about January 6th, 2021 anymore EXCEPT about the innocent Americans the federal government has targeted for the past four years. Clearly we've moved on as the majority of us just elected Donald J. Trump AGAIN. While we appreciate your efforts to continue this nonsense because we all know you have nothing else to offer please move on and accept that Trump is YOUR PRESIDENT TOO. All our love, NewsVids. -- Man oh man, Democrats are really laying it on thick today going so far as to lie about police officers being killed on January 6th … they were not. And the only Americans who believe otherwise are already voting Democrat so they're not exactly convincing anyone to support them. Scott Jennings perhaps said it far better (as he usually does): Scott Jennings hits CNN Host with the brutal truth! The American People decide and have moved on from January 6th!

We just love watching peoples' faces when Jennings goes FULL Jennings, you know? It's almost as if he is the first bit of reality they've ever had to deal with and they're just not sure how to take it. Which is, of course, very entertaining for us. I don't watch CNN to know who she is, but that lady sure does seem like she's having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. You love to see it. Scott delivering justice, one sentence at a time! https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GgoEUx8WcAAWlRa.mp4 -- POW POW indeed.

Twitchy: Oh HELL Yeah! Scott Jennings BLASTS CNN With the BRUTAL Truth About Americans and January 6

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